
Like all organisations associated with the noble work of organ donation, ROTTO, too has challenges before it and the foremost among them is to generate and spread awareness among people regarding organ donation. One of the prime task of ROTTO Guwahati is to make people aware about the imperative need of transplantation of organs for management of certain complicated diseases. Motivating people to donate organs is of paramount importance for saving the lives of people. For generation and propagation of awareness regarding organ donation ROTTO Guwahati envisages a broad spectrum of activities encompassing all these – installating hoardings, flashing digital signboards, using the services of print media, electronic media, social networking sites, arranging interactions with faculty members and students of academic institutions, interactions with people in places of worships, extending assistance to the NGO s for organising events for promotion of organ donation activities. These thing apart we entreat our friends, associates, relatives and acquaintances to try to impress upon the people in course of their conversation the great importance of organ donation and we also endeavour to break psychological barriers imposed by traditional rituals and beliefs preventing organ donation and causing huge wastages of precious life saving human organs.